Monday, May 30, 2016

Saltmarsh Sparrows

As the temperature begins to climb and the salt pans that are only reached during uncommonly high tides begin to recede to wet depressions, new vegetation and wildlife appear. During a light exploration of these areas, I found some interesting things.  Salicornia, more commonly called Glasswort or Pickleweed has has begun to grow in the former pans. Saltmarsh Sparrow (once called the Sharptail Saltmarsh Sparrow) are  secretive sparrows that only breed on the eastern seaboard. These birds were actively feeding in the newly formed mud depressions. Saltmarsh Sparrow have a quiet "buzz" of a song. Much like many marsh species, habitat destruction has lead to an overall decline in their numbers. Belle Isle as the only remaining natural salt marsh outside Boston area,  means that this location is one of the only places this species can breed near the city.

                                                              Saltmarsh Sparrow
                                              Northern Flicker coming out of nesting cavity
Pickleweed / Glasswort 

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