Thursday, January 7, 2016

Dead Long-eared Owl

Today I found the remains of a Long-eared Owl that had been eaten by another Owl. Likely the winter resident Snowy Owl that predated the LEOW, but also Great Horned Owl is possible. While I have not seen Great Horned Owl in the area, the wooded area where the LEOW was killed seemed good for a GHOL ambush. Either way a sad thing to find, as Long-eared Owls are not a common find.
 Initial kill site, the LEOW was entirely plucked, "white wash" next to the kill consistent with predication from another Owl. The following day I found a pellet containing a leg section of the LEOWs leg bone. The Owl must have returned to feed on the remains, or check on the remains.

                                                 Long-eared Owl talon, the only thing remaining from the Owl
                                                         Primary and secondary feathers

1 comment:

  1. What part of Belle Isle Marsh was this?.. thanks ... Jerry Twomey
